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тысяча солнц ночи
тысяча солнц ночи 30 апр. в 00:05
Друзья, вы можете поддержать работу данного паблика: 2202205084619706 (Сбербанк)
тысяча солнц ночи
тысяча солнц ночи 1 мая в 01:49
Илья Зданевич - Восхождение на Качкар
Grundrisse; ISBN: 978-5-904099-37-4; 2021

Во время своего путешествия по северо-востоку Турции в 1917 г. в составе археологической экспедиции футурист Илья Зданевич в одиночку совершил восхождение на Качкар, самую высокую вершину Понтийского хребта. Дневник его странствия по землям бывшей Южной Грузии через сёла отуреченных грузин и армян к высоте, находящейся в точке пересечения 41-й параллели и 41-го меридиана, и составляет содержание книги. Издание содержит множество документальных фото и несколько приложений.
тысяча солнц ночи
тысяча солнц ночи 1 мая в 01:04
Richard S. Shaver - The Shaver Mystery Compendium
Nighttime Editions; 2019

Richard S. Shaver (1907-1975) US author, author of some sf stories (some under the House Name Paul Lohrman) but now remembered almost exclusively for his hoax-like sequence of Shaver Mystery stories, presented as based on fact, published in Raymond A Palmer's Amazing Stories 1945-1947, beginning with "I Remember Lemuria" in March 1945. It brought over 2500 letters in response, and the sequence boosted Amazing's circulation though at the same time alienating many fans; the June 1947 Amazing was an all-Shaver issue.

Most of these pieces were collaborations, first with Palmer, and later with other writers including Greye La Spina and Chester S Geier. A selection of the "articles" was published as I Remember Lemuria & The Return of Sathanas (coll 1948); the Shaver Mystery sequence, beginning with The Shaver Mystery, Volume One (coll 2011), assembles similar material. Shaver continued to release the same sort of fiction/nonfiction briefly in Other Worlds (still as Palmer's protégé), and enjoyed a further comeback in Palmer's small-circulation The Hidden World in 1961. Essentially these "articles" comprise a series of messages from an Underground world and, von Däniken-like, establish a new, conspiracy-oriented, highly lurid history and Cosmology in which humans (it transpires) have long been manipulated by "deros" - short for detrimental Robots, malign Secret Masters - through various Psi Powers.
тысяча солнц ночи
тысяча солнц ночи 30 апр. в 12:36
Wm. Michael Mott (Editor) - This Tragic Earth: The Art and World of Richard Sharpe Shaver
Grave Distractions Publications; ISBN-10: 0990868508; ISBN-13: 978-0990868507; 2014

THIS TRAGIC EARTH: The Art and World of Richard Sharpe Shaver, is finally back in print in a new, expanded and improved edition! HIS TRAGIC EARTH gives a unique, long-overdue look into the art and mind of Richard S. Shaver. Featuring a transcription of an actual hand-made book proposal by Shaver, sent to Ray Palmer, this volume also contains 190 images including over 100 lost images taken from one-of-a-kind "rogfogo" or "rock books" by Shaver. These images, taken from photo exposures of slices of solid rock, contain eerie and inexplicable images of people, monsters, creatures, structures, and devices - images which defy all rational explanation. Shaver claimed that these "books" were records left in crystal holography by an ancient race of beings who preceded man on this planet, or were contemporary with our ancestors. Also featured are long-lost articles on how to find and create such images, written and illustrated by Shaver himself, along with unique correspondence, interviews, and other material that give a unique look into the mind and theories of Richard S. Shaver, his one-of-a-kind "outsider artwork", and his infamous "Shaver Mystery". Much of the additional material has not been seen for decades, and when it was available, it was not widely circulated and was only seen by a few people, particularly the explanations and theories which were written by Richard Shaver for science-fiction fanzines of the 1940s. In addition, new transcripts of the complete text of material which only appeared in scanned-text form before are now included here, for ease of reading. Shaver's own peculiarities of writing style and syntax are faithfully transcribed. The contents of this book should interest anomalies researchers, Forteans, paranormal enthusiasts and investigators, science-fiction historians and fans, and all those interested in "outsider art". Nothing as utterly dedicated to Shaver's own thoughts and artwork has ever been produced before.
тысяча солнц ночи
тысяча солнц ночи 30 апр. в 10:42
Петер Надаш - Конец семейного романа
Три квадрата; ISBN: 5-94607-044-9; 2004

Петер Надаш (р. 1942) - венгерский автор, весьма известный в мире. "Конец семейного романа", как и многие другие произведения этого мастера слова, переведен на несколько европейских языков. Он поражает языковым богатством и неповторимостью стиля, смелым переплетением временных пластов - через историю одного рода вся история человечества умещается в короткую жизнь мальчика, одной из невинных жертв трагедии, постигшей Венгрию уже после Второй мировой войны. Тонкий психологизм и бескомпромиссная откровенность ставят автора в один ряд с Томасом Манном и делают Надаша писателем мировой величины.