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Chill English (advanced+)
your problematic fav
the ambassador of chill tg: обо мне и моих курсах: Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? Oh I donno, I sing in the shower? Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me.
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Chill English (advanced+)
Chill English (advanced+) 31 янв. в 21:39
join me in the life of chill on tg:
Chill English (advanced+)
Chill English (advanced+) сегодня в 16:00
STREET CRED (slang) — the acceptance and respect of people who live in poor city neighborhoods.

“Drake and Kendrick’s beef is so funny to me, like chill, neither of you guys has street cred... but I do aspire to be a hater like Kendrick”
“Стычка Дрейка и Кендрика максимально смешная, чуваки, расслабьтесь, вы не гангстеры, ни у одного из вас нет уличного авторитета… но честно, я мечтаю быть таким хейтером как Кендрик”

Chill English (advanced+)
Chill English (advanced+) вчера в 16:00
GIRLY POP (slang) — a constantly slaying queen that has everyone captivated with every move she makes.

"Sabrina is the ultimate girly pop. I feel like her confidence transfers to me every time I listen to Espresso"
"Сабрина — верховная классная девчонка. Я прямо чувствую, как ее уверенность передается мне, стоит только послушать Эспрессо"

Chill English (advanced+)
Chill English (advanced+) вчера в 10:42
Chill English (advanced+)
Chill English (advanced+) 2 мая в 18:03
PLAY FOR KEEPS (idiom) — to do something seriously, not merely doing something for the fun of it or just to please others.

"There was a litany of reasons why
We could've playеd for keeps this time"
"Было так много знаков, что
В этот раз у нас все могло быть всерьез"

source: Taylor Swift — My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
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